1. Li Zhizao | Ming Dynasty, Confucianism, Astronomy - Britannica
Missing: scientologist | Show results with:scientologist
Li Zhizao was a Chinese mathematician, astronomer, and geographer whose translations of European scientific books greatly contributed to the spread of Western science in China. Originally from a military family, Li was made a jinshi (the highest scholar-official title in imperial China) in 1598. In

2. Dr. Li Zhisui, 75, Who Wrote Memoir Critical of Mao - The New York Times
Feb 15, 1995 · Dr. Li Zhisui, the personal doctor of Mao Zedong whose recently published memoirs portrayed the Chinese leader as a manipulative egomaniac.
Dr. Li Zhisui, 75, Who Wrote Memoir Critical of Mao

3. …in the Right Place | Freedom Magazine
During the more than two decades that Scientology has been a growing force in Taiwan—whose government recognized the Church as a religious institution in 2003— ...
With one eye on the fight for human rights and the other on educating the populace to the harmful effects of drugs, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, has become an Asian focal point for the humanitarian programs of Scientology. So it made perfect sense that Kaohsiung would become the first Ideal Church of Scientology or “Ideal Organization” on the Asian continent with its dedication last December, a shimmering headquarters made necessary by the meteoric growth of Taiwan’s Scientology community. The 13-story, 108,000-square-foot structure is the largest such Ideal Church in the world. The Kaohsiung Church provides residents of Taiwan with a comprehensive introduction to Dianetics and Scientology, including a vast Public Information Center that promotes the life and legacy of Church Founder L. Ron Hubbard. It is also the central strategy center for the Church’s ambitious human rights and drug education initiatives.
4. Li Mo Zhi (李墨之) - MyDramaList
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Li Mo Zhi (English name: Cherry Lee) is a Chinese actress, born in Sichuan and a graduate of the Shanghai Theatre Academy. She officially entered showbiz...

5. [PDF] San Diego Public Library
Xiao jiao yu xi fu : Zhang Youyi yu Xu Zhimo di jia bian. CHI 306.7/LUOFUMAN ... Qi you ci li. CHI 951.025/SU. Su, Tianjue. Yuan chao ming chen shi lue. CHI ...
6. Li Zhi Mo (李祉默) - MyDramaList
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Chinese Drama, 0000, 58 eps

7. Liji 禮記(www.chinaknowledge.de)
Liji 禮記is a collection of descriptions of ritual matters written during the late Warring States and Former Han periods. It is one of the Five Confucian ...
Liji 禮記 is a collection of descriptions of ritual matters written during the late Warring States and Former Han periods. It is one of the Five Confucian Classics (wujing 五經) and one of the three ritual classics (sanli 三禮).
8. 28 Celebrities Who Left the Church of Scientology (& Why) - SheKnows
Nov 27, 2024 · Stars who left the Church of Scientology: Bijou Phillips, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Nicole Kidman, Will and Jada Pinket Smith, and more.
Some of Hollywood's biggest names have had experiences with the controversial church.

9. 'Chum' poems - Hello Poetry
Kabala, Scientology and Wicca Amish and Mormons All ... These are my modern English translations of Chinese poems by Li Bai, who was also known as Li Po.
Click to read 'chum' poems and comment...
10. About: Li Zhi (singer) - DBpedia
Li Zhi (born November 13, 1978) is a mainland Chinese music artist who was banned from People's Republic of China in April 2019.
Li Zhi (born November 13, 1978) is a mainland Chinese music artist who was banned from People's Republic of China in April 2019. According to the China Daily newspaper published in 2015, Li was a music artist who sold out his concert tickets quickly. His 2014 New Year concert I/O sold out all 3,600 tickets in 13 minutes.

11. Laozi | Religion Wiki - Fandom
... Scientology. Back. Christianity · Anglicanism · Catholicism · Eastern Christianity ... His surname was Li (Chinese: 李 "plum"), and his personal name was Er ...
Laozi (Chinese: 老子; Pinyin: Lǎozǐ; Wade-Giles: Lao Tzu; also Lao Tse, Lao Tu, Lao-Tzu, Lao-Tsu, Laotze, Laosi, Lao Zi, Laocius, and other variations) was a mystic philosopher of ancient China, best known as the author of the Tao Te Ching (often simply referred to as Laozi).[1] His association with the Tao Te Ching has led him to be traditionally considered the founder of Taoism (pronounced as "Daoism"). He is also revered as a deity in most religious forms of the Taoist religion, which often ref

12. Li Shizhen - Wikiwand
Li Shizhen (July 3, 1518 – 1593), courtesy name Dongbi, was a Chinese acupuncturist, herbalist, naturalist, pharmacologist, physician, and writer of the ...
Li Shizhen, courtesy name Dongbi, was a Chinese acupuncturist, herbalist, naturalist, pharmacologist, physician, and writer of the Ming dynasty. He is the autho...
13. About: Li Yingshi - DBpedia
Li Yingshi (traditional Chinese: 李應試; simplified Chinese: 李应试, referred to by Jesuits as Li Paul; fl. ca. 1600) was a Ming Chinese military officer, ...
Li Yingshi (traditional Chinese: 李應試; simplified Chinese: 李应试, referred to by Jesuits as Li Paul; fl. ca. 1600) was a Ming Chinese military officer, scientist, astrologer and feng shui practicer that was converted to Christianity. He was converted to Catholicism by Matteo Ricci and Diego de Pantoja, the first two Jesuits to establish themselves in Beijing. He then became a zealous Christian.

14. vocab.txt - Hugging Face
... li ma agi aj aser ##is ##on ##ur ##la ##tema ##ti atema te an ali ##og ... zhimo ##ajo ##pelashishia ##kiu ##zeneca ashoka asentenshia asentenshitsu ...
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15. Movies Released in 2015 - The Numbers
Tu xia zhi qing li chuan shuo · Adventure, Theatrical, $9,076,648. February 23 ... Going Clear: Scientology and the Pris… Documentary, Theatrical, $449,344.
Movies released in 2015